In 2023 we were honoured to be invited to create an installation at the Guildhall Arts Centre in Grantham for Remembrance Sunday. We were overwhelmed with the volunteers who came forward to help us create poppies and take part in this emotive display. The installation was just short of 2,000 poppies and we had around 100 volunteers of all ages busily stitching them together for us including St Anne's Cubs and Scouts. Grantham College students took part in decorating the four figures - A paratrooper, a tommy, a land girl and a WRN. The WRN was in honour of Joan Briggs who is shown opposite. If you are wondering how a WRN was connected to land locked Grantham - she was married to the Mayor. It was lovely to meet her and see her pose in in front of the installation.
We hope to further develop this installation in 2024